Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Big Banks for Blanche

So this weekend I got to be part of something fun. Big Banks for Blanche has been following Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) around the country as she wages a desperate campaign to salvage her political career against electoral threats from the left and right.

The stance of Big Banks for Blanche (one that I share) is that Blanche Lincoln is a radical corporatist. I won't spend too long on the soapbox here, rather I'll just steer those interested to her voting record , her top campaign contributors, and her committee assignments, and then anyone who really cares can look up some of her really odious public statements.

So I'm holding one of the (hidden) cameras in the above video. Basically we snuck in to a private, $1000-a-head fundraiser being held in Austin for Lincoln, using fake names and leaving envelopes holding fake checks in the collection basket, listened politely while Blanche Lincoln delivered a short speech packed with blatant lies about health care reform, unions, and the cap-and-trade bill, and then the video starts. In my heart, I genuinely believe that we ruined her day, and I'm very proud of that.

So if anybody is really, really interested, Arkansas' Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter has mounted a primary challenge against Lincoln, and is actually making it a pretty tight race. He's not bad on most of the issues I care about, and if he manages to get the nomination it would send a powerful signal to other Blue Dog Democrats like Lincoln that there's a price to be paid for fucking with your base. Check out the link at his name above if you'd like to learn more.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Wow, those are some evil mother fuckers.

About Me

Austin, Texas
Acclaimed filmmaker and babysitter